I’m in London, and today I was on Richard and Judy (google them if you don’t know who they are, they’re married and have been huge on brit TV for eons), talking about gay animals. They’re both lovely, she’s quite dainty and he talks so fast I forgot to listen to what he was saying and just watched his lips fly about. They both became quite excited when making a corrolation (my spelling sucks) to gay animal behavoir, and the fact that men, when confined in prison, have sex. And Richard of course talked about female on female animal action. It was all very heated. Well, I was warm. And wondering if anyone in the world was noticing how much I was enjoying myself. I’m such a huge fan of them both, but the biggest moment for me was when Richard dismissed me by saying Americans tend to shoot their animals, gay or otherwise. We share a dislike for both guns, and dead animals I suppose. Maybe now I’m reaching. But truly, I felt after, in the green room, whilst watching them both sip wine and chat with the actually famous guest they’d had on, that I’d reached at least the C-rung on the ladder to celebrity. I mean, Richard and Judy – that’s proper media star-searching.